Friday, February 24, 2012

Database design for College project


I am very new to this form and I need urgent help and I hope someone can provide forme some light to my problem.

The college has a soccer team. And the application I am going to develope needs to use MS SQL Server 2000 Developer or Student edition.

I only mange to create these below table and I am not sure if this is the correct way to doing it.

The tables name:

tbl_TEAM: ID, StudentNumber, Name, Surname, Active
tbl_LEAGUE: ID, LeagueName, Active
tbl_WEEKS: ID, WeeksName, Active
tbl_FIXTURE: GameID, HomeTeam, VisitorTeam, Active
tbl_REFFERE: ReferreID, ReffereName, ReffereSurname, Active
tbl_OBSERVER: ObserverID, ObserverName, ObserverSurname, Active

The apliccation will create a fixture via user and then must assign reffere to each game. After the game the observer sends in the game report and user will use the report and assign the points for reffere.

Then Reffere sends the their reports and the application will assign the Goal, yellow card and Red card points to team member.

If any team member recevice 4 yellow card in total and not in one game then application will producea report to say this member team reach the point and have to sit one week and makes his yellow card points to zero. But in the end I have to know how much each team member had yellow card or red car in tottal.

If team member has goal he get 1 point and must show where is the goal. Because sometime they can make mistake and they have goal to their own teams net.

I am not sure if I can explaind correctly so I need help to develope the application and I am very new to soccer game as well as I don't know how to design the database.

Can anyone help me out to over come my SQL problem so I can finish my project before this christmas.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards,
NiyaziYou have not explained what your SQL problem is.

Your table design looks ok. But what is a "Fixture"?

If you want some help with SQL, post the code you have come up with so far and explain the errors or odd behavior you are getting. Do NOT expect us to do your homework for you.|||When creating tables, think about (and list out) all the objects you are trying to model (referees, games, players, etc.). These will likely end up as your tables.

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