Saturday, February 25, 2012

Database Design Question

Question 1:

I have a contacts table which holds different types of contacts. I contact can only have 1 type. I have a contact types table and store the id of the contact type in the contacts table. I also have another table (table 1 for example) that has a 1 to many relationship with a contact. A contact can have 1 or many of table 1. But only a certain type of contact. Not all contact types have this relationship with table 1. They aren't related to table 1 at all. Is this ok, and how is it represented in a database diagram?

Question 2:

I have a contacts table and an address table and a contact can have 1 or many addresses. I also have a vendors table. They will also have addresses. I want to share the address table with contacts and vendors. Would I just have an address id as a primary key. Use the contact id or vendor id (depending on what type the address is for) as a foreign key, and then also have another column in the address table that held lets say a 0 or 1 depending on whether or not it was a contact address or a vendor address? Would this be the proper way to do this?

Any suggestions are welcome and thank you in advance!Question 1:
Is this ok, and how is it represented in a database diagram?most definitely yes, it is okay

diagram? diagram?

(you have to imagine jim mora saying "playoffs? (")

is this a homework assignment?

Question 2:
Would I just have an address id as a primary key.yes

the other part is trickier

you could, for example, have both a contact id and a vendor id foreign key in the address, both of which must be nullable, since one of them (the one it isn't an address for ;)) will be null on every row

i personally would not have a 0 or 1 flag for whether or not it was a contact address or a vendor address||| a homework assignment. Just trying to be very organized on this project! Thanks for your reply. Would you recommend sharing the address table, or, would you have a separate address table for contact and vendor? I would think it makes sense to have only 1 address table.|||I would think it makes sense to have only 1 address table.okay, let's go with that for a second

why?|||why what...have a diagram, or have 1 address table?|||why does it "make sense" to have only one address table? how is it better than two?|||less duplication? Can I run another design by you? I'm really not doing's been a long time since I've done any database design so I'm rusty.

I have this situation.

A person can hold a season ticket for 1 or more teams. A team has more than 1 game and a game has more than 1 ticket. Here is how I'm designing my DB (not, only including necessary fields right now) Does it make sense to you?


ContactID PK
(note: I will be using the contacts table for people other than season ticket holders as well)

SeasonTicketID PK
ContactID FK


TicketID PK
SeasonTicketID FK

Appreciate your thoughts if you're willing to give them.|||less duplication? i don't think so

how often will a vendor and a contact share an address?|||sorry...what I meant was less tables...I'm going to have the same fields for an address. instead of creating a new table, I would only have to add a field. I actually prefer your way with the two tables...I find that easier to keep track of.|||you can bill me for it if you want|||no, my answers on public discussion forums are always free :)||| you have a comment about my ticket scenario? :-)|||is it possible to get a ticket for a game that isn't a season ticket?|||no, it is not possible to get a ticket for a game that isn't a season ticket

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