designing a database for products (books, music, videos,
etc.). I'm also designing a .Net front-end app for
managing the products in the SQL database. My frustration
is having to take the normalized data and convert it back
to a usable form for the management screens and then
saving it back to the normalized database. Here's an
example of the design:
I created a table named "Products" as a master table for
product information: Products(ItemNumber, Title, Retail)
I created a table named "TitleTypes" that holds a list of
different types of titles (Sub-Title, Foreign Title, Misc
Title, Exact Title, etc.): TitleTypes(TypeID, Description)
I created a table named "Products_AdditionalTitles" to
hold a list of additional titles for a given product and
what type of title it is. This table is related to the
two tables above based on the ItemNumber and TypeID
fields: Products_AdditionalTitles(ItemNumber,TypeID,Title)
Some books have sub-titles, foreign titles, etc. and some
don't so this allows each book to have an many or as few
titles as needed without storing NULLS or empty strings
in the database for books that don't have values for
these fields.
Is this the correct way to design the database? Is it
worth the trouble to do it this way? It seems like it
would be alot easier for INSERTS, UPDATES, and SELECTS to
have the extra title fields as part of the Products
database and just store empty strings in them if I don't
have a value.
Just want to confirm that I'm heading in the right
>> How far should I go with normalizing my database?
As far as you can. In other words, full normalization upto BCNF in case of
tables with single column keys ( which will be in 5NF anyway ) and upto 5NF
in case of tables with composite keys and overlapping sets of values in
different rows are mandatory to avoid data modification anomalies.
Without a detailed knowledge of your business model and existing entity
types, its attributes and applicable relationships others cannot comment on
a particular design narrative. If you are familiar with higher normal forms
beyond 1NF, every principled decomposition to avoid moification anomalies is
definitely worth the "trouble".
BTW, NULLs have nothing to do with any normal forms beyond 1NF.
"Ease" of writing INSERTS, UPDATES, and SELECTS is not a design principle;
but integrity preservation is. You wouldn't consider a single table for
representing the entire schema by such an assessment of ease, would you?
If you are considering full normalization in your logical design process,
you are on the right track.
|||I agree with the assessment that no sound judgement may be passed on any
particular design without the full business rules the design was based on;
however, there are a few problems that crop up now and again.
First, database normalization is a classification mechanism that attempts to
model a real world system. It is a method of logically seperating out
individually defined "nouns" or entities.
What I often see is that developers new to database design tend to apply
leasons learned from OOP/OOA to data modeling. Database design is a
reductionist exercise to classify and reduce data redundancy. OOP/OOA is an
aggregation of process consolidation whereby a user, by generalization, may
abstract out common features. These are at two polar extremes, or orthogonal
to one another. Be careful.
The first sign that you may have strayed too far is when you start building
MUCK tables and overly use Many-to-Many relationships. Everything is a
"type" with an ID, Name, and description, right? WRONG! Don't go down that
Anthony Thomas
"Anith Sen" wrote:
> As far as you can. In other words, full normalization upto BCNF in case of
> tables with single column keys ( which will be in 5NF anyway ) and upto 5NF
> in case of tables with composite keys and overlapping sets of values in
> different rows are mandatory to avoid data modification anomalies.
> Without a detailed knowledge of your business model and existing entity
> types, its attributes and applicable relationships others cannot comment on
> a particular design narrative. If you are familiar with higher normal forms
> beyond 1NF, every principled decomposition to avoid moification anomalies is
> definitely worth the "trouble".
> BTW, NULLs have nothing to do with any normal forms beyond 1NF.
> "Ease" of writing INSERTS, UPDATES, and SELECTS is not a design principle;
> but integrity preservation is. You wouldn't consider a single table for
> representing the entire schema by such an assessment of ease, would you?
> If you are considering full normalization in your logical design process,
> you are on the right track.
> --
> Anith
|||Perhaps Anith is more meticulous than I , but I generally go to 3rd Normal
Form, and call it a day...
Wayne Snyder, MCDBA, SQL Server MVP
Mariner, Charlotte, NC
(Please respond only to the newsgroups.)
I support the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) and it's
community of SQL Server professionals.
"Jason Hedges" <> wrote in message
> How far should I go with normalizing my database? I'm
> designing a database for products (books, music, videos,
> etc.). I'm also designing a .Net front-end app for
> managing the products in the SQL database. My frustration
> is having to take the normalized data and convert it back
> to a usable form for the management screens and then
> saving it back to the normalized database. Here's an
> example of the design:
> I created a table named "Products" as a master table for
> product information: Products(ItemNumber, Title, Retail)
> I created a table named "TitleTypes" that holds a list of
> different types of titles (Sub-Title, Foreign Title, Misc
> Title, Exact Title, etc.): TitleTypes(TypeID, Description)
> I created a table named "Products_AdditionalTitles" to
> hold a list of additional titles for a given product and
> what type of title it is. This table is related to the
> two tables above based on the ItemNumber and TypeID
> fields: Products_AdditionalTitles(ItemNumber,TypeID,Title)
> Some books have sub-titles, foreign titles, etc. and some
> don't so this allows each book to have an many or as few
> titles as needed without storing NULLS or empty strings
> in the database for books that don't have values for
> these fields.
> Is this the correct way to design the database? Is it
> worth the trouble to do it this way? It seems like it
> would be alot easier for INSERTS, UPDATES, and SELECTS to
> have the extra title fields as part of the Products
> database and just store empty strings in them if I don't
> have a value.
> Just want to confirm that I'm heading in the right
> direction.
> Thanks!
|||Ok, maybe I've travelled too far down the "everything is
a type" road already.
Here's the scenario: I am designing a new database and
application in SQL Server and .Net for managing product
information for bookstores (strictly product data, not
sales, customers, etc.). The current database and
application have been developed with COBOL. The main
types of products we deal with are books, music, bibles,
videos, software, and gifts. Every product has some
common attributes (item number, title, retail price,
vendor) and some products have additional attributes (sub-
title, measurements, publish date, release date, foreign
language title, etc.). Products can have from 1 to 3
contributors (author, artist) and be categorized in 1 to
3 categories.
I've ended up with alot of many-to-many tables. For
example, I have the main products tables, a master
category table, and a many-to-many table that links
products with multiple categories. Same thing for
contributors. Another example: since there are several
types of dates that can be stored for a product (publish
date, release date, etc.), I have a "Date Type" table and
a many-to-many table that holds a list of dates and their
respective "date type" and the product item number they
belong to. I thought this would be the best way since
the number of each was an unknown.
I was under the impression that having a lot of fields in
a table that were not used was poor design. Example:
having a SubTitle field in my main product database would
be poor design since many products don't have a sub-
title. Is that true or false?
I'd appreciate some more input if you have enough info
here to go on.
>--Original Message--
>I agree with the assessment that no sound judgement may
be passed on any
>particular design without the full business rules the
design was based on;
>however, there are a few problems that crop up now and
>First, database normalization is a classification
mechanism that attempts to
>model a real world system. It is a method of logically
seperating out
>individually defined "nouns" or entities.
>What I often see is that developers new to database
design tend to apply
>leasons learned from OOP/OOA to data modeling. Database
design is a
>reductionist exercise to classify and reduce data
redundancy. OOP/OOA is an
>aggregation of process consolidation whereby a user, by
generalization, may
>abstract out common features. These are at two polar
extremes, or orthogonal
>to one another. Be careful.
>The first sign that you may have strayed too far is when
you start building
>MUCK tables and overly use Many-to-Many relationships.
Everything is a
>"type" with an ID, Name, and description, right?
WRONG! Don't go down that[vbcol=seagreen]
>Anthony Thomas
>"Anith Sen" wrote:
upto BCNF in case of[vbcol=seagreen]
anyway ) and upto 5NF[vbcol=seagreen]
sets of values in[vbcol=seagreen]
modification anomalies.[vbcol=seagreen]
it worth the trouble[vbcol=seagreen]
and existing entity[vbcol=seagreen]
others cannot comment on[vbcol=seagreen]
with higher normal forms[vbcol=seagreen]
moification anomalies is[vbcol=seagreen]
beyond 1NF.[vbcol=seagreen]
UPDATES, and SELECTS[vbcol=seagreen]
Products database and just[vbcol=seagreen]
a design principle;[vbcol=seagreen]
single table for[vbcol=seagreen]
of ease, would you?[vbcol=seagreen]
logical design process,
|||"Jason Hedges" <> wrote in message
I'm very interested in this discussion, as I recently completed a
bibliography project that is somewhat similar to your bookstore project (see
I always start from the user interface. What does the user want to do on a
screen, or with a report. What buttons does he want to push? What rows and
columns of stuff does he want to see? A database is just a tool to achieve
Note that this is quite different from saying that a database should model
or mirror a UI. But all database decisions must eventually come down to "how
does this help the user?".
What would be interesting is to know what your users expect from this
application. For example, do they need to search for subtitles? If so,
subtitle should clearly be a separate column (possibly in a separate table).
On the other hand, if they don't need to search, or otherwise need to
distinguish among, subtitles, why make it a separate column at all? Why not
just tack it on to the end of the title, as in modern library practice?
I'm not suggesting one or the other - just that you have to first find out
what the users expect from your system. There's no way to design a
"bookstore database" without considering such things. And normalization
(contrary to popular belief) must also be driven by these concerns. In one
database, normalization would require storing an address separately from its
city. In another, it would require storing only a latitude and longitude,
which would be related to a table of addresses. It depends on the
> Every product has some
> common attributes (item number, title, retail price,
> vendor) and some products have additional attributes (sub-
> title, measurements, publish date, release date, foreign
> language title, etc.).
All products have measurements in the real world. Whether you want to record
them for all products depends on the user requirements. Similarly with all
the other characteristics you mention.
> Products can have from 1 to 3
> contributors (author, artist) and be categorized in 1 to
> 3 categories.
This may match your user's needs, but probably not. Lots of books have more
than three authors, to say nothing of editors, illustrators, dustjacket
artists, designers, etc.
> I have a "Date Type" table and
> a many-to-many table that holds a list of dates and their
> respective "date type" and the product item number they
> belong to. I thought this would be the best way since
> the number of each was an unknown.
However, the upper bound of such is known. Every book does indeed have a
first French publication date - in most cases, however, that value is NULL.
I don't see a problem with modelling that fact in a column instead of a
relationship. The thing is, you're going to have to LEFT JOIN your m-to-m
table to get back the NULL at some point anyway.
On the other hand, if you want to model editions specifically (as I did in
my C.S. Forester database), you won't want to store the French publication
date in one table and the French title in another - you'll need an Editions
table that records this information (and probably more) in one place. It
depends on what the users want.
> I was under the impression that having a lot of fields in
> a table that were not used was poor design. Example:
> having a SubTitle field in my main product database would
> be poor design since many products don't have a sub-
> title. Is that true or false?
Again, it depends how you want to use the subtitle concept. Odds are (I'm
guessing), you want to display the subtitle of every book at some point.
Instead of linking to a table to do this, why not just display its column
(even if it's NULL)? (A variable-length column takes almost no space if it's
|||Mark is on a different path, although, headed in the right direction.
First, you need to understand this, the goals of database design and those
of application design are predicated on two different, sometimes opposing,
sometimes cooperative, criteria. Applications are designed for data
MANIPULATION and PROCESS. Databases, however, are designed for data
In the sense that you must understand what the User wants is absolutely
correct. For the application, the GUI and the process of information is a
perfectly acceptable viewpoint to model the appliction design and process.
Howerver, this is completely wrong for the design of the database system.
I am assuming that many of those "unique" attributes are based on the
product "type." If there are truely common caracteristics of Entity Classes,
then perhaps a Super Table Subordinate Table relation would work better,
although the current SQL DBMSes do not fully support this sort of structure
The idea is that there are Products, which have common attributes, but,
then, there are Books that are dissimilar from software and videos. Now, you
can call all of these Products, but, then, we must deal with the type
specific attributes. All in the same table allowed NULL? Seperate table and
make entries for only those that have data? For all of the unique columns or
only some because it is likely that you will only populate some base on type.
Aha, sounds like a subordinate class. You create a Book table for the Book
entity, a Video table for the Video entity, etc, each with its own specific
attributes. You can tie all of these back to a common Products table to
carry the common attributes if you wish. The point is that Books are not
Videos are not Software, even if they do have common characteristics. Just
because humans and fish have eyes and mouths does not make a human a fish nor
a fish a human. Aha, but they are both animals. See the structure?
The point is that data modeling comes down to describing the real world, not
as a process, but as a classification, for delineating, reducing, individual
I think you basically had the right ideas for most of what you described;
however, take a look at the seperate or super-sub table structure. But the
dates, no, that is where you started getting into the MUCK area. A
pulication date is not a release date any more than a start time is the same
as an end time. Is your birthdate the same as your death date? I certainly
hope not!
Forget about all of that garbage about normalization performance. Research
has shown that the proper normalization of data to ensure the integrity and
reduce the duplicity of data is by far the best means to garauntee the best
performance. That is why we have DBMSes, to maximize the performance GIVEN a
normalized database. A DBMS is a physical mechanism, the data model and its
normalization is a logical one. The two are indepenent, although related, or
better, derived. That is, the physical is derived from the logical, not the
other way around. So, performance should never be a constraint on the
design, only the integrity of the system.
Feel free to follow up if you think we could provide you with any further
Check out "An Introduction to Database Systems" by C. J. Date. I think you
would find it enlightening.
Anthony Thomas
"Jason Hedges" wrote:
> Ok, maybe I've travelled too far down the "everything is
> a type" road already.
> Here's the scenario: I am designing a new database and
> application in SQL Server and .Net for managing product
> information for bookstores (strictly product data, not
> sales, customers, etc.). The current database and
> application have been developed with COBOL. The main
> types of products we deal with are books, music, bibles,
> videos, software, and gifts. Every product has some
> common attributes (item number, title, retail price,
> vendor) and some products have additional attributes (sub-
> title, measurements, publish date, release date, foreign
> language title, etc.). Products can have from 1 to 3
> contributors (author, artist) and be categorized in 1 to
> 3 categories.
> I've ended up with alot of many-to-many tables. For
> example, I have the main products tables, a master
> category table, and a many-to-many table that links
> products with multiple categories. Same thing for
> contributors. Another example: since there are several
> types of dates that can be stored for a product (publish
> date, release date, etc.), I have a "Date Type" table and
> a many-to-many table that holds a list of dates and their
> respective "date type" and the product item number they
> belong to. I thought this would be the best way since
> the number of each was an unknown.
> I was under the impression that having a lot of fields in
> a table that were not used was poor design. Example:
> having a SubTitle field in my main product database would
> be poor design since many products don't have a sub-
> title. Is that true or false?
> I'd appreciate some more input if you have enough info
> here to go on.
> Thanks!
> Jason
> be passed on any
> design was based on;
> again.
> mechanism that attempts to
> seperating out
> design tend to apply
> design is a
> redundancy. OOP/OOA is an
> generalization, may
> extremes, or orthogonal
> you start building
> Everything is a
> WRONG! Don't go down that
> upto BCNF in case of
> anyway ) and upto 5NF
> sets of values in
> modification anomalies.
> it worth the trouble
> and existing entity
> others cannot comment on
> with higher normal forms
> moification anomalies is
> beyond 1NF.
> Products database and just
> a design principle;
> single table for
> of ease, would you?
> direction.
> logical design process,
Thanks for your reply and the book recommendation.
Can you give me more direction on the date issue? I
understand the logic behind the books, videos, software,
etc. What do you do with data like the date fields?
Should each date type (pub date, street date, etc.) be a
separate field/column in a table? I thought the way I had
done it allowed for alot of flexibility because you
didn't have to change the database design to store new
types of data that were similar to other types already
being stored. Here's another example (similar to the date
I have a table that defines "title types" (sub title,
foreign title, title as it appears on the product, etc.).
I have a many-to-many relationship table that stores a
product identifier (relating back to the master product
table), a title, and a title type identifer (relating to
the title types table). This seemed flexible since I can
decide to store a "misc title" simply by adding
another "title type" to my title types table and using
it's identifer.
How should I be storing this type of data? Should each
type of title be a separate field in a table? Should I
just store NULLS or empty strings when I don't have a
value for one of these fields?
>--Original Message--
>Mark is on a different path, although, headed in the
right direction.
>First, you need to understand this, the goals of
database design and those
>of application design are predicated on two different,
sometimes opposing,
>sometimes cooperative, criteria. Applications are
designed for data
>MANIPULATION and PROCESS. Databases, however, are
designed for data
>In the sense that you must understand what the User
wants is absolutely
>correct. For the application, the GUI and the process
of information is a
>perfectly acceptable viewpoint to model the appliction
design and process.
>Howerver, this is completely wrong for the design of the
database system.
>I am assuming that many of those "unique" attributes are
based on the
>product "type." If there are truely common
caracteristics of Entity Classes,
>then perhaps a Super Table Subordinate Table relation
would work better,
>although the current SQL DBMSes do not fully support
this sort of structure
>The idea is that there are Products, which have common
attributes, but,
>then, there are Books that are dissimilar from software
and videos. Now, you
>can call all of these Products, but, then, we must deal
with the type
>specific attributes. All in the same table allowed
NULL? Seperate table and
>make entries for only those that have data? For all of
the unique columns or
>only some because it is likely that you will only
populate some base on type.
> Aha, sounds like a subordinate class. You create a
Book table for the Book
>entity, a Video table for the Video entity, etc, each
with its own specific
>attributes. You can tie all of these back to a common
Products table to
>carry the common attributes if you wish. The point is
that Books are not
>Videos are not Software, even if they do have common
characteristics. Just
>because humans and fish have eyes and mouths does not
make a human a fish nor
>a fish a human. Aha, but they are both animals. See
the structure?
>The point is that data modeling comes down to describing
the real world, not
>as a process, but as a classification, for delineating,
reducing, individual
>I think you basically had the right ideas for most of
what you described;
>however, take a look at the seperate or super-sub table
structure. But the
>dates, no, that is where you started getting into the
MUCK area. A
>pulication date is not a release date any more than a
start time is the same
>as an end time. Is your birthdate the same as your
death date? I certainly
>hope not!
>Forget about all of that garbage about normalization
performance. Research
>has shown that the proper normalization of data to
ensure the integrity and
>reduce the duplicity of data is by far the best means to
garauntee the best
>performance. That is why we have DBMSes, to maximize
the performance GIVEN a
>normalized database. A DBMS is a physical mechanism,
the data model and its
>normalization is a logical one. The two are indepenent,
although related, or
>better, derived. That is, the physical is derived from
the logical, not the
>other way around. So, performance should never be a
constraint on the
>design, only the integrity of the system.
>Feel free to follow up if you think we could provide you
with any further
>Check out "An Introduction to Database Systems" by C. J.
Date. I think you[vbcol=seagreen]
>would find it enlightening.
>Anthony Thomas
>"Jason Hedges" wrote:
consider a[vbcol=seagreen]
|||Like Mark replied, it depends on the requirements. In that, I agree;
however, where our friend says he starts with User Interface and the process,
this is where I disagree. Although it does DEPEND, data models depend on ONE
thing, the BUSINESS MODEL, which should have reflacted the real world
You have asked two seperate questions here. So, let's start with the easier
one, the Titles. First of all, this is not a Many-to-Many relationship; it
is a One-to-Many-to-One relationship: Products, Other Titles, Title Types.
I would claim that the Title is an attribute of the Product; moreover, it is
a candidate key. I would require each of my products to have a title. How
else would you define it? Now, some products may have 1 or more Other
Titles, or Additional Titles. This sentence clues you into what kind of
structure this should have. "Some Products" implies a 0, 1, or N relation.
If it were simply 0 or 1, then a NULL attribute may be sufficient.
I tend shy away from NULL attributes and use subsidiary tables unless the
creation and management of that additional table would be overkill with
respect to the original attribute. My favorite example is the Middle Initial
attribute. Now, in this case, seperating that attribute out to a dependent
subsidiary table would be overkill.
In your case, however, this is what we will need. Why? Because, in all
likelihood, the potential table could be a very large attribute and may not
be queried very frequently; so, why embed such a thing in the original table?
In addition, you will want to potentially have Many additional or subsidiary
titles. This requires the seperation.
This table would be One or Many-to-One against the Product table. Then, you
will probably want to classify the titles based on type, restricted or
otherwise, in the sense that you may allow only one additional title per
type. This would spawn the process of the type table that would be in
One-to-Many correspondence with the Other Titles table.
Let me know if that does not make sense.
Now, the dates. Here is a reason to NOT split this out to a Many-to-Many
relationship: how would you query it? Many-to-Many relationships have a
tendancy, especially the "Type" table kinds, to turn columns (attribute
names) in to data rows. When that happens, you have turned a simple SELECT
column FROM table1 (or joined to table2) from a horridous WHERE clause where
you have to specify multiple filter commands just to discover the record you
are after BEFORE you can determine the "VALUE" column that contains the data.
I've seen this numerous times and it will kill your system.
Now, I do not want to backtrack by saying that Performance should overrule
design. NO. However, oftentimes bad design will kill performance, no matter
what you do to improve it. Proper design, even when it looks like a
performance killer at first (usually because of the induced additional joins)
will usually save your performance in the long run.
Here is what I mean. A table is a representation of an Entity--a thing, a
noun, a specific item--that "relates" all of the appropriate and dependent
characteristics of that Entity. Now, your products have dates.
Normalization would dictate that these dates would depend on the KEY, the
WHOLE KEY, and NOTHING BUT THE KEY. I will assume that your products have a
primary TITLE (?) as the identifying characteristic. Perhaps it is some sort
of combination, regardless if you have introduced some sort of machine
generated ID surrogate key.
Now, the question is: Are these Dates Entities on their own, or, are they
somehow dependent on the Product Entity? I can see at least two ways this
may be true, although there is surely others.
1. The dates are individually unique attributes. The misnaming of them as
Date1, Date2, etc. may cause someone to believe the table has now violated
1NF or 2NF; however, if those attributes are not generic and follow the KEY
rules, then they are perfectly acceptable as embedded attributes within the
Entity they are related to.
2. There is some form of functional or constrained dependancy between the
dates. This would indicate the prescence and need for higher forms of
normalization: Boyce-Codd NF, 4NF, 5NF, or the new 6NF. These may not be
collection of dates but Product Release Schedules, a different but related
Entity, assigned (or related) to the Product Entity, which have ScheduleDate
as one of their attributes.
Regardless, you will have to decide the classification of these but DO NOT
GENERICIZE the attributes into a Muck Table: ID, Name, Description with the
associated crosstab table with the Value attribute. Type tables are
necessary but not all inclusive. The Value attribute has little value and
should be an indicator that the Entity you have defined has been genericized.
An Entity only exists if it is well-defined and models a real world element,
not an abstracted OO class.
I hope this makes sense. Feel free to continue the conversation if it does
Anthony Thomas
"Jason Hedges" wrote:
> Anthony,
> Thanks for your reply and the book recommendation.
> Can you give me more direction on the date issue? I
> understand the logic behind the books, videos, software,
> etc. What do you do with data like the date fields?
> Should each date type (pub date, street date, etc.) be a
> separate field/column in a table? I thought the way I had
> done it allowed for alot of flexibility because you
> didn't have to change the database design to store new
> types of data that were similar to other types already
> being stored. Here's another example (similar to the date
> scenario):
> I have a table that defines "title types" (sub title,
> foreign title, title as it appears on the product, etc.).
> I have a many-to-many relationship table that stores a
> product identifier (relating back to the master product
> table), a title, and a title type identifer (relating to
> the title types table). This seemed flexible since I can
> decide to store a "misc title" simply by adding
> another "title type" to my title types table and using
> it's identifer.
> How should I be storing this type of data? Should each
> type of title be a separate field in a table? Should I
> just store NULLS or empty strings when I don't have a
> value for one of these fields?
> Thanks!
> Jason
> right direction.
> database design and those
> sometimes opposing,
> designed for data
> designed for data
> wants is absolutely
> of information is a
> design and process.
> database system.
> based on the
> caracteristics of Entity Classes,
> would work better,
> this sort of structure
> attributes, but,
> and videos. Now, you
> with the type
> NULL? Seperate table and
> the unique columns or
> populate some base on type.
> Book table for the Book
> with its own specific
> Products table to
> that Books are not
> characteristics. Just
> make a human a fish nor
> the structure?
> the real world, not
> reducing, individual
> what you described;
> structure. But the
> MUCK area. A
> start time is the same
> death date? I certainly
> performance. Research
> ensure the integrity and
> garauntee the best
> the performance GIVEN a
> the data model and its
> although related, or
> the logical, not the
> constraint on the
> with any further
> Date. I think you
> is
> product
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> (sub-
> foreign
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> 5NF
> overlapping
> Is
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> not
> consider a
> assessment
> right
|||"AnthonyThomas" <> wrote in message
> Like Mark replied, it depends on the requirements. In that, I agree;
> however, where our friend says he starts with User Interface and the
> this is where I disagree.
Just to be clear, I mean that the user requirements drive the database, not
the "real world." The real world is too big to model. The hard part (that I
think our other friend needs to better define) is what part of that real
world is important to his users. Since all the users care about is what they
see on the screen or on a bit of paper, starting from the user interface is
usually the best way to determine what part of the real world needs to be
Take subtitles, for example. If the user requires a screen that lets him
search for subtitles, then clearly, subtitles need to be in a column of
their own. If such a search (= screen) isn't required, subtitles could
simply be included in the title. The real world (alone) doesn't allow one to
make this choice.
> I would claim that the Title is an attribute of the Product; moreover, it
> a candidate key.
Actually, titles aren't unique (in the real world

> My favorite example is the Middle Initial
> attribute. Now, in this case, seperating that attribute out to a
> subsidiary table would be overkill.
But in "the real world," middle initial is a separate piece of information
from the rest of the name. What defines "overkill" is not the real world,
but the user requirements.
I do agree with most of your points, however.
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