I have a database design question. I want to store a status in a table. In the ASP.NET interface for the user this status will be adapted to the language of the user.
This is how it would look like:
StatusID 1 = "yes" for English, "oui" for French, "ja" for Dutch
StatusID 2 = "no" for English, "non" for French, "neen" for Dutch
StatusID 3 = "error" for English, "erreur" for French, "fout" for Dutch
I don't want to do the translation in ASP.NET and it should be done in one query.
How would it look like in the database design.
WimVM, how about this,
if you are asking about how to design a table or tables, you could have one table (status) like this:
statusID is you primary key and three additional fields (english, french, dutch)
so for instance if you have an english speaker your "yes" would be returned by
declare @.statusintset status = (getYourIdFromApp)select english from status where statusId = @.statushope this is helpful -- jp|||
Thanks for your reply. This would indeed do it, nice and easy. What I forgot to say was that the language is set by an ID, LanguageID. This holds the value 1 for English, 2 for Dutch, 3 for French and 4 for German.
I would need a way that I have more flexibility when I add or disable a language. In the above example you need to know the position of the value linked to the value. Sorry for not informing you about this in the first place.
Thanks for your reply. This would indeed do it, nice and easy. What I forgot to say was that the language is set by an ID, LanguageID. This holds the value 1 for English, 2 for Dutch, 3 for French and 4 for German.
I would need a way that I have more flexibility when I add or disable a language. In the above example you need to know the position of the value linked to the value. Sorry for not informing you about this in the first place.
I still have not found a solution for this. It would be great if somebody could help me with this. Thanks.
Thanks for your reply. This would indeed do it, nice and easy. What I forgot to say was that the language is set by an ID, LanguageID. This holds the value 1 for English, 2 for Dutch, 3 for French and 4 for German.
I would need a way that I have more flexibility when I add or disable a language. In the above example you need to know the position of the value linked to the value. Sorry for not informing you about this in the first place.
Hi Wim, I have some suggestions.
Add a new table to your database called Languages. This table will have 2 fields: LanguageID and LanguageName. The data would look like this:
LanguageID LanguageName
1 English
2 Dutch
3 French
4 German
Add another table called Statuses. This table will have 2 fields: StatusID and StatusName. This table would not necessarily be used in queries, but could be used to store metadata about the Statuses. The data would look like this:
StatusID StatusName
1 Yes Status
2 No Status
Add another table called StatusTranslation. This table will have 3 fields: StatusID, LanguageID, and Translation. The data would look like this:
StatusID LanguageID StatusTranslation
1 1 yes
2 1 no
1 2 ja
2 2 neen
1 3 oui
2 3 non
1 4 ja
2 4 nein
Now, assuming your main data table is called MyTable. This table might look something like this:
ID Column1 Column2 UserLanguageID StatusID
1 Value1 Value2 2 1
2 SomeValue SomeValue2 1 2
3 Value1 Value2 3 1
The query to pull out the status data, translated for the user's language, would look like this:
StatusTranslation ON myTable.StatusID = StatusTranslation.StatusID AND myTable.UserLanguageID = StatusTranslation.UserLanguageID
And the result of that query would be:
ID StatusTranslation
1 ja
2 no
3 oui
This has made some assumptions, such as that you have the UserLanguageID in the same table as the StatusID. You'd need to adjust the queries and data tables to fit your situation, but perhaps this will help get you started.
For some background, you might like Alister Jones' (SomeNewKid) blog post:Localizing the Content, which lead's to Karl Seguin's article:Creating multilingual websites - Part 2.
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